200 OK


The 200 OK status code indicates that the HTTP request was received and processed successfully by the server. It's the standard response for successful HTTP requests, and the actual response will depend on the request method used. In a GET request, the response will contain the requested data. In a POST request, the response might contain a message about the result of the operation.


This status code is used to convey that the server has successfully processed the request and the client can expect to receive the requested information or confirmation of the success of the request.


  • While a 200 status code signifies a successful request, it's important to check the content of the response to ensure it contains the expected data or outcome.
  • In cases where a new resource has been created by a POST request, a 201 status code (Created) might be more appropriate to signify that the resource was successfully created.
  • Be aware of idempotency with certain request methods like PUT or DELETE; successful requests should yield the same status code upon repeated execution.
  • Use appropriate content negotiation if the server expects to return different formats of data, ensuring that the Content-Type header in the response is set correctly.

